I forgot I had this... is this thing on? *tap tap*
After I did my segments in "$00pah nin10doh" I had a extra idea for a Zelda skit, but Kirb didn't want more than 1 movie about a franchise. So I searched the forums here at NG and found a Zelda collab in the works.
Lo and behold it actually came out!
It turned out pretty decent, so it's worth a look. Be warned there's a bit of nudity in it though...
Who am I kidding this is Newgrounds, the home of "The Street Fighter Collab"
Also, for those of your not aware, me and my freinds do a podcast about nerdy things. Maybe you'll like it!
The current newest item is something I did solo reviewing a movie. For the real newest episode, you'll need to go one item back.
could you at least attempt to learn how to draw